The Retention Value Analysis a customized diagnostic tool and comprehensive evaluation process which profiles the organization across the following seven key employee retention factors:

–Vision, Values and Culture
–Leadership and Management
–Hiring Process
–Career Opportunity/Training
–Compensation, Benefits and Rewards
–Work Environment

The Retention Value Analysis is typically administered via a survey to all or select portion of company employees. Once responses have been gathered, the results and recommendations are reviewed with company leadership for improving employee retention and employee engagement.

Retention Value Analysis Benefits:

•A data driven approach to employee retention. Quantitative and qualitative response summaries and scores to give you a complete view of employee retention at your organization and what factors are most critical to your employees.
RVA Maturity Model (Profile of your business across five levels of employee retention maturity –i.e., Innocence, Awareness, Understanding, Competence, Excellence). Gaps across the seven retention factors are identified.
• Recommendations for closing retention gaps based on leading practices.
• Improving employee retention is a key to sustaining a competitive advantage and sustainable profit.


Taking a fact-based, data-driven approach to building effective employee retention programs. Tom O'Rourke, President and CEO of Connolly Clarke, LLC shares insights on employee retention featured in Milwaukee Business News.